Friday, September 5, 2008

Job search tips by Jade Gordon

Something that accelerates my job hunting is using Google Reader.

This is a "news reader" (You don't HAVE to use Google, there are other
news/feed readers). Essentially, a reader collects posts from blogs and
other sites set up to supply "feeds", and puts them all in one spot. I
made a "Jobs" category in my reader. Here are some of the places that have
feeds with Graphic Design job listings (even if only once in a while).
This is actually a site that collects listings from various places and
serves them in feed format.
Seattle Times listings. You would have to input your own search criteria,
and get it's own feed.
Design Sponge
Primarily for the Video Game and animation fields, every so often, they
look for Graphic Designers here.
Yes, all the categories of Craig's List have their own feeds!

I'm always looking for more places to add! A lot of sites I still have to
check manually, especially those that have complicated search functions as
the main way to check listings. I wish the temp agencies I joined would
use this too, it would make things so much simpler. The main advantage
other than the aggregation is speed. These are all "live" feeds, which
means I can see things relatively close to posting time. I mostly live on
the feeds right now, and you might even find a lot of listings get pulled
fairly quickly because they get a lot of responses from it. I like to try
to be one of those first responses!

Anyway, the advantage of school and attending all the events you can is
the in-person networking, and that is always going to be more valuable.
Still, it can be a good idea to keep an eye on the listings, watch for
trends, and so on. I find that this speeds things up, and I probably spend
about 75% less time reading listings with this advantage of a more
one-stop method.

Jade Gordon

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