Monday, February 22, 2010

Sat. March 20th.

Typography Boot Camp

Saturday, March 20, 2010 | 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
School of Visual Concepts
500 Aurora Avenue North, Seattle

Are you feeling too thin or too heavy? Does your ascender look big in that typeface? Is your kerning all gappy? Does a river run through your body copy? Well, tighten up your leading, because AIGA Seattle Typography Boot Camp is for you. This intense, hands-on, crash course in typographic fundamentals will expose you to the core principles that will help whip your portfolio into shape and give you rock-hard ABCs. We’ll put you through your paces with a concentrated three-hour program consisting of introductory dos and don’ts, followed by a series of quick typographic workouts, each with a slightly different focus: Type Literacy Sprints, Typesetting Crunches, and Grid & Composition Burpees.

The event will be open to 45 people. Each workshop will be limited to 15 people; everyone will be able to take two workshops.

Workshop 1
Typography and its anatomy, classification, context, and history will help you become more discriminating in selecting typefaces and customizing logotypes. Led by Juliet Shen, Shen Design.

Workshop 2
Typesetting 101, covers kerning, leading, scale, headlines, and body copy. Led by Bryan Mamaril, Turnstyle.

Workshop 3
Grid & Composition, explains how geometric systems underlie the visual relationships that make for good design and offers you a step-by-step approach to typographic composition. Led by Jeff Barlow, Jelvetica and President of AIGA Seattle.

AIGA Student Members: $25 | Register
AIGA Professional Members: $35 | Register
Student Nonmembers: $40 | Register
Professional Nonmembers: $50 | Register

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