Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Help save the planet. Join the Aspen Design Challenge

AIGA | the professional association for design

AIGA is inviting faculty, students and recent graduates to participate in the Aspen Design Challenge, an annual call to students worldwide to help solve global issues.

The inaugural contest, “Designing Water’s Future,” challenges cross-disciplinary student teams to develop design solutions that encourage responsible water use, provide access to freshwater to those in need and increase awareness about the importance of water conservation.

The rules and guidelines are now available on the Aspen Design Challenge website. Winners will have the opportunity to refine and develop their concepts with world leaders and policy makers at the Aspen Environment Forum, and their solutions will be discussed during the World Summit on Climate Change.

Print design, web applications, environmental design, physical devices, data presentation tools and other approaches are all accepted. Design students are encouraged to lead teams that may also include engineers, artists, ethnographers, anthropologists and scientists, and to consider the social, cultural and scientific significance of water use.

For more information, visit www.aspendesignchallenge.org.

The Aspen Design Challenge and Aspen Design Summit are presented in partnership between AIGA and INDEX:. This year's challenge, “Designing Water’s Future,” is a collaboration of Circle of Blue and COLLINS:.

Let us know if you will be participating by sending an email to aspenchallenge@aiga.org. Submissions are due by December 15, 2008.

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