Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Words from the Prez...

So, we need to get some thank yous and some posters made. Jodie has thankfully volunteered to supply us with finger paint, glitter, colored pipe cleaners, eyeballs and neon poster board so we can accomplish this. We are finger painting this wednesday. COME. THERE WILL BE CANDY.

Melanie / David, is there any way for us to get some large format roll paper? Or some butcher paper or something.

Also, Dave Peacock, our AIGA man, will be coming by Week 7. He will be bringing Sean Bolan, their new Education Programming Director with him. He has doled out responsibilities to me for the Wexley Shindig. They are:

Responsibilities: AiS
•Produce the posters and promote the event at AiS. Make sure to let all the professors know about it so they can schedule accordingly. Sean and I will also need to have some posters to distribute at the various schools in the area.

Whoever designs the poster will also need to reformat the graphic for our email blast (I will get you exact pixel dimensions later.)

•As with the Chantry event, AiS will need to plan for student volunteers to run the admission table, and also see that our speakers are taken care of. Some water and a tray of snacks for the waiting room would be great (these items can be expensed). Sean and I will both be at the event to help make sure everything runs smoothly.

Responsibilities: AIGA
•AIGA will send out email blasts to our mailing list (we will plan to do this one month before and again two weeks before)
•AIGA will promote the event at area schools
•AIGA will set up advance ticket sales through the AIGA web site.

As far as dates are concerned, the most important is to have the posters and email graphic done a month in advance so we can properly promote the event. So lets plan for September 23 to be the date to have all of that stuff ready.

So, important things to know. Sep 23 is the day that the poster needs to be done. So ideally, I would like to have the poster due by the end of this quarter so Wexley has time to pick a winner before the 23rd.

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