Friday, July 16, 2010

Every New Beginning comes from some other Beginning's End

A hullo and a quick introduction from the new President of the Graphic Design Club AiS:

My name is Jesse Phillips (that's like Jesse James, only I am WAY cuter and a good deal more feminine than him....); I have some graphic design experience, am newer to the Seattle area (less than two years out of Chicago), am a swing and blues dancer and I can barely express how honored and excited I am to be a part of this amazing experience!

This is summer quarter, so we're going to take it a little easy this time around, but I have a few ideas and I can't wait to hear yours! I want us all to walk away from this quarter with some new friends, additions to our portfolios and some amazing experiences!

So, here's the plan: Tuesday, June 20th at 4:30pm, please join me in room #704 for root beer floats and a chance to meet each other, as well as make some decisions as a group on what we want to do this quarter!

Looking forward to meeting you all officially,

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