Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Fly me to the Moon" - Meeting update from August 24th

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have learned a valuable lesson: Never hold a meeting where there is more than "hangin' out" happening at a local Starbucks. Great coffee! Couldn't hear a thing. :)

We had a good meeting this week; most of us left with a fire in our bellies and passing around ideas for the composition for "Remember When". The date has been pushed back to October 21st, officially, and I have some really cool news on that coming up next week! September 28th is the deadline for turning in compositions, so let's see what you've got!

The survey for poster design returned with the "Red Balloon" as the winner - it is being sent to several of our brilliant instructors for review and then posters, flyers and invitations will be on the way. I've also gotten some interesting news about our "Call to Action" posters, which I will share at this weeks meeting. Please, PLEASE come to this weeks meeting; we have a special guest who will be speaking directly to our up coming event.

There was also much discussion about visiting the gallery so that we can all see the location before we set up shop, as well as a potential outing to Pioneer Square to view all of the incredible galleries in the area. Anyone up for a first Thursday next week? Wander around Pioneer Square after class? Let's have that discussion this week as well!

Hope this week went smoothly and that none of you have lost your minds with the end of the quarter creeping up on us! See you all on Thursday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Call to Action! Ba-ba-da-DAAH!

I hope you all are having a great week and that your Midterms came back WAY better than you thought they would! We've got a couple of things to give you a heads up on, not the least of which is that we still need seven people to sign up for AIGA! Take your envelope with $50 cash in it to Accounting (make sure it has your name, ID number and email address on it for reference. Otherwise it's just "lunch on the house" for some lucky staff) and it's due this week!! Otherwise we lose the opportunity to get this good of a deal on Membership! Scrape those pennies together, folks - it's worth it!

And now for the meat of the matter:
(btw, I've got the song "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas running through my head every time I think of this event...)

We got a few things down in wet cement this week, at least as far as "Remember Me" is concerned. The whole club is excited with the prospect of this adventure, but we all wanted to agree that the most important factors of this project are 1) that we all have fun; 2) that we invest back into our community; and 3) that the Graphic Design Club of AiS starts getting their name out into the community as well! Once that was settled, the rest started to fall into place!

So, tentative dates and needs:

AUGUST 24th: Next Tuesday bring your "Call to Action" ideas to GD Club (or email them to me if you can't make it). These posters should say something along the lines of "Attention fellow artists! The Graphic Design Club will be hosting a Gallery Opening in October to raise funds for Coyote Central, a local non-profit that brings art into the lives of high risk youth in our community. We need your help! The theme for the event is "Remember When" - and the idea is that each composition brings with it a memory of childhood, whatever that may be. If you are an artist (graphic design, glass blowing, oils, acrylic, fashion, furniture, underwater basket weaving, whatever!) and you have a composition that you would be willing to have auctioned off to a good cause, please come and be a part of this event! For more information go to or ask the Graphic Design Club student next to you! All compositions are due no later than September 28th." ....Or something like that. :)

Also, if you would like to submit a poster idea for Remember When, please send it to me at no later than Friday, August 20th so that we can vote on it! Please and thank you!

SEPTEMBER 28th: Will be a workshop day. We will bring in ALL of our finished compositions for the show (if it's too big to haul into the classroom, just bring pictures.) and your vintage picture frames for painting. Spray paint will be provided, and we will all go out back where there is open air to avoid getting any higher than we want to....HAVE to. Sorry. :)

OCTOBER 7th (tentative): My responsibility this week is to track down and finalize the gallery that we are going to use. We have decided to see if we can partner with First Thursdays down at Pioneer Square, and if that doesn't pan out, we will try to partner with the Grand Opening of Coyote Central's new location the following week. So, the location is a little up in the air, but have faith. With a little fairy dust, the right conversations and some ruby slippers, we should be good to go!

So, that is all she wrote for the event at this time. Just FYI, my personal email is I welcome any and all suggestions and feedback, and would love to hear your ideas as well!

Next Tuesday, Room #704 at 4:30pm. Bring your spare change, and let's take a walk up to Starbucks!! Mmmm.....field trip....

See you then!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And the hits just keep on comin'....

I am in awe - yes, AWE - of how each of you in the Graphic Design Club! I know it's only been three weeks, but the more I have gotten to know each of you, the more impressed I am with the talent, ambition and passion that this club has! Thank you all for being a part of Graphic Design Club! I can't WAIT to see what happens next!

* * *

Take a look at the posters below and head to Facebook to vote for our new GD Club poster! (please note that some of these are still in the rough draft stages, but that's okay - we have brilliant minds filled with enough imagination that we can visualize the comps. Vote quickly - we're making it official next week!)!/group.php?gid=106523186069565

P.S. If you don't have a facebook, email your vote to me


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