Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This week at GD Club!

Makin' it quick:

1 - AIGA Competition: It's on! It's on and POPPIN'! And now we need some design to make it work! You have 36 hours to think about it, sketch some ideas, play with some suggestions, and come to club with an open mind prepared to nail down some awesome design!

2 - The Mural: This quarter is already at the winding down stage and we need to get a proposal written up, and we can't do that without the actual design! (I know; weird, right?) Let's talk shop!

3 - The Portland Trip: Aaron, Doug and I have been tossing ideas around, and we should have some updates by tomorrow! Be there!

4 - As the quarter is winding down we need to have a discussion next steps for the club; some suggestions have been brought to the forefront, and you need to be there to talk about them!

5 - From AIGA:

Invisible Creature
Thursday, March 3
7:00—8:30 P.M.
Seattle Pacific University, Otto Miller Hall Room 109

Join the AIGA Student Group at Seattle Pacific University and get to know this Grammy Award-nominated (4x!) design and illustration studio.


See you soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

New York or BUST!! Who's in?

ATTENTION SBUX GROUP, and other stuffs too!

ATTENTION STARBUCKS ATTENDEES: A few items have been brought to my attention and will need to be discussed if you are wishing to come on the Starbucks tour. PLEASE come to club meeting on Wednesday if you are planning on coming to Starbucks on Friday. Also, we have several soon-to-be-graduates that want to go; if you are a newer student (third quarter or below) please note that you may be asked to give up your spot this time around to help out a student who will be graduating this year. (Please don't freak out, yet. Just know that stepping down this time may be asked of you.)

THIS WEEK AT GD CLUB: We will be having a rather brief meeting to touch base on a few items (including Starbucks and the notices below) and then plan on kicking back and watching part of the new documentary on Banksy, "Exit Through the Gift Shop." Keeping it quick and keeping it cool. See you then!

GD CLUB PARTY: March 24th, 7pm till midnight, across the street (exact address coming soon): plan on a relaxing evening with an incredible homemade Italian dinner made by yours truly, with dessert, games and movies. Be there....or we'll talk about you behind your back. Also, even if you missed EVERY meeting this quarter, you are still invited to the party. Come meet your fellow GDers, hang out and have a good time!

Option 1) Every Graphic Design student can enter a design for "The Crying Spell" a local band. Any color, any style, any background - just make it rock, and show them how you view their music. The top three designers will work directly with the band to make it perfect, and, if your design goes to print the band will shell out $150. Great opportunity, cool portfolio work. Submit your designs in PDF form to me before March 1st.

Option 2) Do one, the other or both - it's up to you. Same rules apply, different band, different sound.
http://www.facebook.com/lightsfromspace#!/lightsfromspace "Lights from Space" is wildly curious to see how Graphic Designers turn their sound visual. Same deal, same price, same options, same payout. Deadline is March 1st.

Option 3) Always wanted to compete with the top artists in the Nation? Check it out!!! http://www.adobeawards.com/us/

Option 4) - EVERY Graphic Design Club Member should do this!!! Antioch University is hosting a unique celebration for our 35th anniversary in Seattle. Local artists are invited to submit work for consideration by three guest curators and possible inclusion in our month-long exhibition and art sale. 50% of the sale goes to Antioch, 50% goes to you. Submissions are due (not the art, just the idea and the sign up) on March 4th. For more info, come to GD Club this week!

Graphic Design Club: Wednesdays at 4:30pm in Room #704

Monday, February 7, 2011

SO many opportunities! Check it out!

THIS WEEK: Jesse LeDoux is coming to speak to all of us up and coming GDers at 4:30 pm, this Wednesday in room #718. Jesse LeDoux has a great sense of art & design. He is responsible for album covers like Modest Mouse and The Shins, poster art & design for the Decemberists, worked for SUBPOP records & MORE!!!! Visit his website LeDouxville.com!!! This is an intimate event for Graphic Design clubbers & will be held to a small number of people. We are going to get to know Mr. LeDoux so learn about about him!
And a HUGE thanks to Samantha for putting this together!!

MORE THIS WEEK: The GD Club has been contacted with some incredible opportunities, some of which include some monies for our pocketses...yeah! Come to club this week, and we'll touch base on some of these before I send out yet ANOTHER eighteen page email!

FEB 10th - AIGA SCHMOOZE ON THE EASTSIDE: Stop by and make connections with other Eastside designers (of all kinds) at our casual get-togethers. We’ll swap ideas, vent about impossible deadlines, share inspiration, and have a laugh. This time we’ll meet at Lot N° 3 in Bellevue Towers. Enjoy their great happy hour eats, espresso, or something stronger to drink — with people who get what design is about.
No reservation needed, no cover charge; cash bar. You don’t need to be a member of AIGA. And all ages are welcome. Just stop by and say hi! Parking (free 4-hr validation) in the Bellevue Towers Parking garage. Key Bank surface lot on 4th St. also available after 5 p.m.

FEB 18th - STARBUCKS: February 18th, 11 - 12pm. We only have three slots left - if you haven't signed up, you'll need to do it soon! There will be a tour of the studio, a chance to meet with some of the designers and a Q & A session! For those of you who are on the cusp of graduation, this is an awesome opportunity!
Since the school is closed that day (YIPPEE!) let's meet at the big Starbucks downtown at no later than 10:45am on the 18th (2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle).

FEB 26 - JUMPSTART YOUR CAREER from AIGA: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 6:30PM - 8:45PM, PONCHO Concert Hall

Each year they invite a diverse panel of design professionals to speak to students and young professionals about career paths in design. This year's panel will share valuable insight about the interview process, what design businesses look for in portfolios as well as future employees, and useful tips for getting a job. They'll also talk about some of the varied possibilities in the design professions that they themselves have explored. Register at AIGA.org

*whew...ah, who needs sleep anyway. We're DESIGNERS!

Monday, January 31, 2011

And the beat goes on.

So, we are moving quickly toward mid-quarter and the Graphic Design Club is busier than ever!

This quarter we are focusing on extending our knowledge base, and so much has been happening!

For starters, we just visited Wexley School for Girls this week, and were offered a tour and the opportunity to annoy them with every question we could imagine - and what an incredible experience!

For February we have Jesse Ledoux coming to speak with us (WOOT!) on February 9th, a trip to corporate Starbucks to tour their facilities on the 18th, and a potential trip to Portland on March 4th to visit the Art Institute of Portland!

We have also knocked on some doors and and have the opportunity to do an incredible mural this summer on the wall of the building across the street of the South Campus - sketches and ideas are bouncing around as I write! I can't WAIT to see what you all have planned!

Remember, Club this quarter is Wednesdays at 4:30pm in room #704 - Be there or be square!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


...are filled with visions of sugarplums, relatives and napping. But school is still lurking around the corner....(insert theme music from Jaws)

A big welcome to the newbies, welcome back to us old hands, a huge "hope your time off was awesome and relaxing and rejuvenating!" to you all!

This quarter there a few things you need to know ahead of time:

First of all, GD Club is on Wednesdays this quarter; still in room #704. Make sure to spread the word and invite the new Graphic Designers to Club!

Secondly, last quarter we had several discussions about doing a mural in the school and now we need to decide what that's going to look like and where we're going to do it! We've got two weeks before our first meeting (January 18th), so break out those sketchbooks, hop onto Photoshop, and let me see what you've got. Remember, it needs to look awesome and also it should represent the Graphic Design Department! I know it's hard with holiday pie still muddling in the belly, but let's kick start those brain cells! :D

And lastly, we've got BIG stuff planned for this quarter - be there or be...um...well...square. :)


Friday, October 29, 2010

Eureka! We're done, with more to come!

REMEMBER WHEN: First of all, a huge - HUGE - thank you to everyone who participated in "Remember When"!! :D Each of the pieces were so unique and everyone pulled together to put on an event that was more successful than we had even hoped! We raised double the amount that we had set as our goal, as well as exceeding our goal for number of entries! I am so proud of all of us!! We ROCK!

Below is a letter from Mary Beth at Coyote Central:

Thank you and thank the Graphic Arts Club for throwing the Remembering When.....event for Coyote. It was touching to see the turnout and the amount of artwork created by everyone. It couldn't have been easy, what with all of the other college life deadlines and responsibilities. Coyote is honored.
Your spirit - amazing! You went to incredible efforts to pull this off and we send great thanks.
Marybeth, Claudia Stelle, and The Board of Directors"

And the event is continuing!! Mark Livingston, the PR Director at AiS has offered us a booth at the Northwest Art Alliance Show!! It's great promotional and a really cool opportunity to keep this ball a'rollin'! We will have room for approximately ten to fifteen pieces. And it's due no later than November 8th! (yay! I mean....*pant, pant...Whew!) If you want to jump in with a random piece or two to add to the equation, please join us!
http://www.nwartalliance.com/events/Fall_2010_Best_of_the_Northwest/ (please note - this is an extra. If you can jump in, please do! If life, school, etc; gets in the way, no worries. )

And a huge pat on the back to Jesse Diaz for the highest bid of the event! He wins a $100 gift card to Paperhaus! Congrats, Jesse(1)!!

THE BURNLEY GALLERY: Every year the Burnley Gallery (that AiS' Gallery) does a student show, and we are invited to be in it! WOOT! So, if you have a piece you'd like to put in, you can take it (and an application which you can get from the front desk or at GD Club next week) to Mark Livingston's office on the 6th Floor NC to submit it! And for those of you with sold pieces from Remember When, if your buyer was willing to let you have it back for the Burnley Gallery, I have the waivers and I will bring them to GD Club next week!

NEXT QUARTER: GD Club meetings will be moved to Wednesdays at 4:30pm in room #704 - adjust your schedules accordingly!

AIGA: Only two days left to sign up with this super deal!! Get on it, folks!

POSTER ART CONTEST: Check this out: "Please find the attached pdf file outlining the first ever Poster Art Contest for the Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival. The winner will receive name recognition on 1500 posters and over 20,000 rack cards distributed throughout western Washington and be included in various festival press releases. The winning artist will also be featured on our website with a link to their home page, and will receive a $500 honorarium. I thought this might be a great opportunity for some of your students. - Tessa Gavin, PresidentCoupeville Festival Association"

And that's it, ladies and gents! See you all next week!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Remember When - a Fundraiser to benefit Coyote Central

Remember When - a Fundraiser to benefit Coyote Central: The Art Institute of Seattle's Graphic Design Club is stepping out to change their community this fall, one design at a time.

On October 21st, the Graphic Design Club will be hosting an art auction and raffle to raise money for Coyote Central, a local non-profit that brings hands-on art of all kinds to youth from across the city. The doors to Art on the Ridge (8005 Greenwood Avenue North) will open at 6pm, featuring student artists from the Art Institute of Seattle, a local jazz band and culinary delights. Local business are donating items that will be raffled off, so bring your change jar and be ready to win incredible prizes.

Join us for an evening of art focusing on a journey through childhood memories & fantasies, and help us bring art into the lives of the children of Seattle.

Art on the Ridge
8005 Greenwood Avenue North
(80th and Greenwood)
Seattle, WA


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